Hot Spiced Wine

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This spiced wine sounds deliciously cozy for the cool fall nights ahead. Even though holiday gatherings may look a bit different during this year of the pandemic, I am sure you could make this in a smaller batch or simply keep it in the fridge and rewarm as desired. Cheers to a beautiful season!

Hot Spiced Wine

From Lori

2 qts dry red wine

4 c water

2 c sugar

15-20 whole cloves

15-20 whole allspice

4 cinnamon sticks

1 lemon, sliced

Pour wine, water, sugar in pot and stir to dissolve sugar. Tie in cheese cloth: cloves, allspice, cinnamon and lemon, add to the wine mixture. Heat, cook low, 2 hours. Keep warm for serving. Makes 3 qts


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