Impossible Pie
Blend and bake pie!
This recipe card includes a kebab sauce recipe for shrimp, but for now we are just covering the impossible pie.
Impossible Pie
S. Peterson Party, P.B. Tupperware 11/76
Put In blender 4 eggs, 1/2 cup flour, 2 cups milk, 3/4 cup sugar, 3/4 stick butter or marg., 1 cup coconut, 1 tsp vanilla.
Mix high speed 1 min. Pour in greased floured 10” pie pan, bake 325 degrees for 45-50 min. Or two smaller pans. Let set 2 or 3 hours.
We were intrigued by this simple pie: all that is required is to blend the mixture and bake it in a pie dish. We saw a video where someone tested this pie and found that as it baked, it created its own crust, filling and crispy top!? We had to try it.
Deanna used gluten free flour in her pie and ended up with a fairly homogenous texture, not separated layers. My pie did separate, the top was chewy coconut, the middle custard, and the bottom just slightly had formed a crust.
Emily’s pie, see the coconut top layer?
Both of us opted to use almond milk in place of the cow milk. The flavor of this pie ended up being very eggy, even after sitting in the fridge overnight. We think if we had used cow milk, it may have toned down the eggy taste.
Deanna’s pie.
We would bet that making a chocolate version or some other variation could really make this a fun recipe to make again. To be honest, the comforting, custardy pie was so satisfying I kept going back for more. So with the slightest flavoring tweaks, I think this recipe is a win.