Honey Caramels

Honey caramels.jpg

Honey Caramels ‘91

2 cups granulated sugar

½ cup milk

¼ to ⅓ cup white honey

2 T butter

Mix together, sugar, honey + milk. Cook stirring constantly until sugar dissolves. Boil without stirring until you reach soft ball stage. Add butter, let stand a few minutes, then beat until creamy. Pour into a buttered pan, mark into squares. Whole halves of walnuts or pecans may be pressed into squares immediately.


When I saw the worn look on this recipe card, I was intrigued. Deanna and I are not completely positive whether the date was meant to say ‘91 or ‘71, and we haven’t heard any stories about Gramma making it. But nonetheless, I thought it was worth making just for fun. 


I used almond milk in this recipe since it was what I had on hand, and it worked just fine.  Before adding the butter, I took my sugar mixture off the heat. I would presume dairy free butter could work here as well. I topped them with raw walnut halves, simple and cute.


My caramels turned out quite soft, even after 30 minutes in the fridge, though they still hold shape just fine. This is likely due to my South Florida climate, or perhaps I didn’t let the sugar boil quite long enough. Either way, we think these are very tasty, and the more nuts the better. Scout says they taste like sugar and honey.


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