Barb’s Hot German Potato Salad

This recipe - written on the back of a coupon (love it) - and called “Barb’s hot German salad” leaves us to a bit of guessing.

I had some bacon and potatoes around so I wanted to give it a shot. Google led me to a slew of other “hot German potato salads” and I learned that some have eggs and some don’t but what makes them special is they are served hot and rather than a mayo dressing, they are covered in a bacon vinaigrette (made with your leftover bacon grease, yes please). The only thing I’m not sure about is the mention of raw eggs…if anyone has any insight on this, please let me know!

Here is the recipe I landed on:

2 pounds of potatoes (boiled with the skins on, then cooled enough to cube)

1 pound of bacon (fried and chopped up, save the grease!)

4 or 5 eggs (hard boiled, peeled and chopped)

1 onion (diced)


2 T bacon grease (give or take)

1/3 cup water

1/3 cup apple cider vinegar or white vinegar

1/2 tsp - 1 T sugar (depending on your taste)

1/4 t celery seed

salt and pepper to taste


Boil your potatoes in the jacket until tender but not mushy. Meanwhile, fry your bacon and boil your eggs. When all these elements are ready (done cooking and cooled enough to handle and chopped), cook your onions in the bacon grease you set aside in a large pot or skillet. Once onions are clear, add water, vinegar and seasonings, mix, add in chopped bacon, potatoes and eggs. When it’s all mixed up and warm, EAT IT! Feel free to garnish with green onions or a little cooked kale (like I did!). I can confirm it’s super tasty.


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