June's Very Good Recipes

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Wiener Wrap-Ups

TV recipe “Weiner” Wrap ups are delicious! I’ve made them several times since finding the recipe and they disappear into the void of teenager stomachs around here. Crescent rolls are so flaky and buttery…add to that some salty meat and cheese and what’s not to like? We keep thinking we could put peperoni and mozzarella or any other combination of tasty things into these but have yet to experiment with the filling.

You will need a few cannisters of crescent rolls because you are using two rolls to make one long-shaped “wrapper”. I also found that I needed to cook these a little longer because they were filled - just keep an eye on them so you don’t burn them!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see a couple of videos! If you haven’t made crescent rolls in a while you can listen to the “pop” of the can while I open one up :)

TV Recipe Weiner Wrap ups - from Pat Wood (5-11-79)

Boil (heat) weiners,

Take “Cresent” rolls (tube) lay them flat.

Lay weiner, cut down middle.

In slit place small slices of cheese.

Fold dough over the weiver, & seal.

Place in pan, and bake according to directions for cresent rolls on package.

a satisfying and nostalgic activity :)
an easy and very kid friendly recipe - what else could you stuff inside a crescent roll?