Open Faced Broiled Buns

My mom told me about this one. She remembers Gramma June making these as an easy, crowd pleasing supper. She would put spam, hard boiled eggs and pickles through the meat grinder and mix it with mayo. She would spread the mixture on buns, put cheese on top and broil in the oven - “YUM!”

I marvel at how quickly cuisine can change. I remember having spam growing up only once or twice and then as a novelty - an ingredient from my mom’s memories. This simple open faced sandwich is a product of a very select time in American food history. It’s protein rich and has all the good elements of midwestern comfort food. With Gramma June’s 4 kids, I’m sure this didn’t last long!


Open face Broiled Buns - from the kitchen of Annis -1972

Makes 6-8 servings

1 can spam

6 hard cooked eggs

1 onion

3/4 cup mayonnaise

1 tsp vinegar

1 1/2 dozen buns or 1 long loaf french bread

Put spam, cheese, eggs, onion through food chopper. Add mayonnaise and vinegar. Mix. Spread on bun halves or bread - way out to the edges. Broil in 350 degree oven 10-12 minutes or till cheese melts.


Far East Celery

