Juicy Ground Beef

June’s hints for juicy ground beef!

Mix 3 T. A-1 sauce for each # (pound) ground beef.

Or 1 1/2 # ground beef (add) 1 T. instant minced onions and 2 T. Soy sauce, 1/4 t. black pepper. Combine all - shape 4 to 6 patties. Broil or grill. Brushing lightly with added Soy sauce.

hints for juicy ground beef.jpg

Let us know if you try either of these methods out! At my house we love to add cheese, onion and chopped bacon to our burgers by making two thinner patties, dropping the filling on the middle of one and sandwiching the patties together, pinching them together at the sides to seal them. Not over-working the meat is also key to keeping your burgers juicy! Happy grilling!


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