Holiday Wreaths + Eggs and Bacon

Two recipes we wanted to sneak in this year (out of pure nostalgia) were “Holiday Wreaths” and “Eggs & Bacon”. “Eggs & Bacon” is fairly straight forward (we haven’t found a written recipe for this one yet…) and also one that Emily and I remember coming in our box from gramma’s house over the holidays. Something about it and the miniature-ness and silliness of it has always made us happy. I suspect this is (at least partly) why our sweet Gramma June was drawn towards it. It was something she saw at a Quilt Guild meeting and decided it was cute enough to make for her grandkids.

I’m sure we owe her Quilt Guild - the Apple River Quilt Guild of Amery, Wisconsin - a great deal of gratitude for not only sharing and inspiring new recipes but also providing an outlet for Gramma to try out recipes that she collected and made for Guild meetings. Cheers to those gals!


So cute, right?

Bacon & Eggs

White chocolate pieces, melted

Mini yellow M&Ms

Stick pretzels

Dollop the melted white chocolate on a piece of parchment paper, place yellow M&Ms and pretzels on top or in a way that resembles fried eggs and bacon! Check out the variety in what Emily and I and all our kids made in the pictures below.

We are introducing a few new recipe sources as the end of the year approaches. Emily introduced a notebook that Gramma June kept in her post about Spritz cookies. It seems that our Great Gramma Mae also kept a notebook filled with clippings. In Mae’s notebook there is space left for adding written or more clipped recipes in each “section” and there are sections devoted to different types of recipes (cookies, cakes, hot dishes, etc).

The section that we found the Holiday Wreath “Cookies” in has the written heading “Xmas cookies” and includes two other cookies on the page. We will be adding the rest of both June’s notebook and Mae’s notebook as we go - so stay tuned!

The notebooks in themselves are such a charming record of time before the internet and an example of scrapbooking for pure utility. I cannot wait to work with these more in the coming months.

processed_maes notebook xmas cookies.jpg

Holiday Wreath Cookies

30 large marshmallows

1/2 cup butter

3 cups of cornflakes

1 tsp vanilla

Green food coloring

Red hot cinnamon candies (or you can use red M&Ms like we did!) Melt butter and marshmallows (microwave works fine here FYI). Add cornflakes, vanilla, food coloring. Mix well and shape into wreaths. Trim with “red hot” cinnamon candies to resemble holly berries. Let set. (Put in the fridge to speed up the ‘setting’ process so you can enjoy them sooner!)


Porcupine Meatballs


Peanut Butter Kisses