Freezing Peaches

hints - freezing peaches paper clipping.jpg

Towards the end of the summer, I think about what foods I have in my freezer and what I might want to have during the winter…is there anything else I should look for at the farmer’s market and put away? Should I get more cucumbers and make more freezer pickles? (yes, obvious) I pick all our blueberries throughout the summer and don’t worry about eating them all fresh - I freeze them and eat them all year instead. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a chest freezer like we do, but they are handy when you want to collect the abundance of summer and stash it for later enjoyment.

I imagine this is why Gramma clipped this out of the paper. She had a chest freezer and was ready to put up anything fresh for later.

Freezing is generally simpler than canning - all you really need is freezer bags or jars and freezer space (and something delicious to freeze).

I have not used ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in my freezing but a little of this on your fruit before freezing will help prevent browning. Good to know. I usually just use a little sugar-water and make sure to get all the air out of the freezer bag before sealing and freezing.


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