Easter Memories
Last week I asked my mom about her memories surrounding food at Easter time from when she was young. The first thing that came to mind for her was that they would eat glazed ham with pineapple and scalloped potatoes.
She thought a little more and told me:
“Often times my mom made Knox blox in multiple colors: firm jello cut in cubes and put on a plate, we would grab them as a finger snack.”
1970s Knox blox newspaper clipping.
This is a page out of a notebook that June wrote for Teri Pabst and is filled with family favorite recipes. Thank you so much for sharing this notebook with us, Teri, it is so special.
Perhaps these Finger Jellos were similar to what my mom remembers as well.
Another memory my mom thought of was something called cathedral window bars, a clear reference to church and Easter time, they consisted of melted chocolate and peanut butter over pastel mini marshmallows.
We don’t have a recipe card for cathedral cookies, but these colored marshmallow cookies seemed pretty close, find that recipe here.
What are some of your Easter memories from times with June and Bob? Have you had any of these treats or meals with them?