Caramel Corn

“Carmel” or caramel corn - I’ve got three recipes for you in this post. One was copied down by my Gramma June as a recipe collected from her mother Mae. She had it for Easter in 1973. This one is not much different than the recipe clipped from the newspaper. The newspaper recipe does not include nuts and uses margarine instead of Oleo. The third recipe is the easiest as it requires the fewest ingredients (margarine, brown sugar and marshmallows) and no baking. This one was made for a Tupperware party in 1977.

Many of the recipes (especially the sweets) we try on this blog are ones that my Gramma collected for events and parties and gatherings. Sharing something sweet with friends was such a common social exercise for her.

carmel corn - mom - easter 1973.jpg

We have made this a couple of times (the baked version) and we love it. It’s gone so quickly and it’s a special treat. We omitted the nuts and used a vegan margarine and omitted the butter flavoring. We basically followed the Jiffy Time Popped Corn recipe clipped from the newspaper - scroll down for that one.

Look that that bubbly - frothy - hot mixture!

Look that that bubbly - frothy - hot mixture!


No Bake Butterscotch Bars

