June's Very Good Recipes

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Swedish Pancakes

Swedish pancakes look a lot like a crepe but in reality they have LESS flour, MORE eggs and butter making them lighter and fluffier than crepes. Swedish pancakes are also slightly thicker than crepes as there is no addition of water to the batter - just butter.

Now that we’ve established these finer points - I’m going to tell you that these are delicious. As you can imagine with such a rich egg to milk ratio that they are almost custard like.

We made some strawberry lemon jelly to eat with them, rolled them up and sprinkled with a little powdered sugar - yum!

To make the strawberry jelly we took some frozen strawberries out of the freezer and put them in a small saucepan. We then added sugar to taste (about 1/2-1 cup of sugar for 1 cup of berries) and a couple teaspoons of lemon juice. This was all heated on the stove at low-medium heat until it was bubbling and the strawberries were breaking apart. As it cools, the sugar fruit mixture becomes thicker. “Hint”: The more sugar you add the longer it will last.