June's Very Good Recipes

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Rice Hotdish

This hotdish recipe appears on the back of another recipe that we will be sharing in a couple of days for Orange Cake, which was given to June from Lucille Hartwig. Most of you reading this are part of our midwestern family and already understand what a “hotdish” is - a one dish meal consisting of a creamed condensed soup, meat, and some starchy vegetable or noodle concoction. It is baked in a casserole dish and is referred to as a “hotdish” and NOT a “casserole”. Now that we’ve got that sorted (and feel free to share your thoughts on this in the comments) we can move on to the first hotdish receipe we’ve shared on this vintage recipe blog!

Rice Hotdish

1 cup rice

1 1/2 pound pork steak - Cube and cooked with celery, 1/2 cup stock

I can chicken noodle soup

1 can mushroom soup

salt for taste

put together and bake

Let us know in the comments below if you give this one a try!