June's Very Good Recipes

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Red Devils Food Cake

Deanna and I decided it would be fun to bring back bake club by making this cake together. It feels like a fitting Valentine’s-chocolate lovers-dessert vibe. But also, for us, this week holds two special birthday’s: my mom Lori on the 17th and Daisy on the 13th.

This makes a nice little square cake, but man, it was a bit involved. We’re talking sifting flour, beating eggs, making buttermilk, making a chocolate sauce… and that is all just for the cake batter. And to be honest, the flavor of the baked cake was quite simple considering all the labor that goes into it. I would describe it as a fluffy milk chocolate cake, not exactly what I was expecting, but still nice.

The fudge frosting was another adventure. You cook the ingredients on the stove to a soft ball stage, then mix in a little butter and vanilla and let it cool until lukewarm. Then you mix the heck out of it until it starts to come together. Deanna’s hardened up fast and we think it was due to how cold it was in her house! My turned out smooth, but my goodness it was so sweet.

After tasting the cake with frosting, we decided it reminded us of milk chocolate fudge.