Tips for Preparing Apples for Treats

As I’m writing this - it’s October and it is apple picking season. If you want some timely tips for picking and storing apples for pies or holiday desserts - look no further.

Also, I’ve scanned in the front and the back of this St. Paul Sunday Pioneer Press clipping because - I mean - isn’t it obvious? Not only can we see that this clipping is from 1975 but we can also enjoy this cheerful illustration of a man in lederhosen!


We usually make applesauce when we have an abundance of apples here and this works well for us because I love to add applesauce to baked goods (muffins and sweet breads mostly) as a way to add moisture and sweetness. We try not to add too much sugar when we make applesauce but it is necessary in helping to preserve the apples for later use. The more flavorful the apple, the better and peeling and coring is essential - most people do not enjoy the texture of cooked apple peel in their applesauce but…you do you.

I have also really enjoyed cooking down my applesauce and adding cinnamon and other spices to it to make apple butter. It’s an easy way to get more out of your apples when you have a lot of them to put away.


Quickie Appetizer

