Colored Marshmallow Cookies

colored marshmallow cookies - paper clipping 70s.jpg

Looking for a “cookie” that tastes like a candy bar? Look no further!

If you have ever wanted to make your own super sweet candy bar at home, we got ya’ covered. These are fun, festive, and something for those that have a mouth full of sweet teeth.

We used Lucky Charms mini colored marshmallows as you will see below and were not sure how much melting to do with the marshmallows in the chocolate mixture but I think it worked best to not mix or melt them too much so that when we rolled, chilled and sliced them - we had a colorful surprise inside!

We rolled ours in walnuts instead of coconut (we didn’t have any coconut on hand!) and it really helped balance out the super sweet chocolate-powdered-sugar-marshmallow center (if only a little). These are very sweet — they remind me of a nougat-centered chocolate candy bar. Consider yourself warned!


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