Coconut Macaroons


Here’s a recipe we found on a postcard written by our Gramma June to her sister Lois. How dear and sweet it is to think about these sisters, June and Lois, sharing recipes together as my sister and I share them now.

I re-wrote it on a postcard to send to Emily - it was a fun way to share this recipe and create our own stories and memories with it.

Coconut Macaroons

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp vanilla

4 egg whites

1 c. sugar

8 oz. shredded coconut

Add salt to egg whites and beat until stiff. Add sugar gradually beat meanwhile. Add vanilla and mix. Fold coconut in gradually. Drop by spoonful on baking sheet covered with brown paper. Bake in preheated 325 degree oven about 30 min. As soon as macaroons are removed from oven, wet paper slightly with wet pastry brush and allow macaroons to stand a few seconds so they don’t break when removed. About 3 1/3 dozen cookies. “Good luck.”

May 1934 - one of my favorite pictures of my Gramma June (left) and her sister Lois (in the rocking chair).

May 1934 - one of my favorite pictures of my Gramma June (left) and her sister Lois (in the rocking chair).


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